More than 100 country-level investment promotion agencies were polled on incentives offered to inward investors. The least popular incentives were exemptions from regulations/ free movement of capital, followed by cash grants, and loan guarantees/ cheap loans/equity finance.

African countries on average offer the fewest incentives, and North and South American countries the most.


Apart from these global trends, regional differentiations emerged:

North America

All countries use tax incentives and the majority offer all other FDI incentives. Honduras has the fewest, and by the Numbers Canada and Puerto Rico both offer all the incentives categorised.


All countries offer tax incentives and have top-target sectors, and most offer training and labour market assistance, property assistance/site and infrastructure provisions, and sector-specific incentives. Most do not offer cash grants, loan guarantees/ cheap loans/equity finance or exemptions from regulations/free movement of capital. Jamaica and Grenada provide the most incentives.

South America


 All regions use sector-specific incentives, top-target and tax incentives, and most offer training and labour market assistance. Other incentives are offered by half the countries while Colombia and Uruguay offer them all.


All have top-target sectors, and most use tax incentives and property assistance/ site and infrastructure provisions. Most ignore cash grants, loan guarantees/cheap loans/equity finance or exemptions from regulations/ free movement of capital. Mali and Botswana offer all.


All regions have tax incentives and top-target sectors, and most provide training and labour market assistance, as well as cash grants, property assistance/site and infrastructure provisions, sector-specific incentives and loan guarantees/cheap loans/ equity finance. Most do not offer exemptions from regulations.

Middle East

 All of the regions have tax incentives and top-target sectors and most do not offer cash grants. Other incentives are used by the majority of countries.

For details on investment incentives, visit For further information contact or +44 (0)207 775 6667

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