The first half of 2011 saw a surge in FDI projects globally compared with the same period in 2009 and 2010. Greenfield investment monitor fDi Markets recorded a total of 7395 projects between January and June 2011, compared with 7215 in the first half of 2010 and 7225 in the same period in 2009.

March experienced the highest number of FDI projects during this time, with an impressive 1500 projects recorded globally. The first half of 2010 and 2009 saw 1281 and 1304 projects, respectively.


There was a boom in FDI projects in 2008, with a staggering 8054 projects recorded between January and June of that year before the global economic crisis led to a drop in numbers in 2009.

Overall, the sector that has contributed the most FDI projects worldwide so far is software and IT, followed closely by business services and financial services. Recent projects include US-based Microsoft, which created 4000 new jobs in the UK and US-based Cybernet-Slash Support, which invested $500m to open a new base in Mauritius.

The US has contributed the most in global FDI, both as a source and a destination, recording 1803 projects into other countries. The UK and Germany followed with 776 and 639 projects, respectively. Meanwhile, China and India received a large part of global FDI.

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